pdf program, which happens to do just the same as my 8 Pro did but a lot less out of pocket, even with two licenses. I tried a lot of things and finally said enough is enough and purchased another. Yes, you can just go forward with the install but you will not have full use after a “grace period” or maybe not at all. Even if you have your key number (like I do as well) it does no good. Now the fun part….you can’t get any type of activation from Adobe because they’ve deleted or disbanded their database for a program that old. I used it on my Win7 machine fine, deactivated from that prior to my new Win10Pro setup and reinstalled Adobe. Moderator’s Note: HTML to text (only Simple BBCodes used here), so content may not appear as intended I didn’t make a screen show … however, I saw an option to NOT Activate

HOWEVER … at the very end of installation … I got these several messages… My question involves these screen shots below. I managed to install it w/ my CD (after finding a missing dill!)… but the final ‘activation or e-license’ just can’t manage! All is fine, but I just found the same thing. (I’ve found if it’s something I know that I can do very Quickly … I can use it before it tell quits and tells me to activate it!) Even though I have another PDF software … there are a few things I still use the “Pro 8” for.Last time I tried to install it on a PC about 5 years ago … I could install but not activate it Thus … I’ve been using other PDF products … but I STILL prefer “Pro 8” It just has all the bells and whistles I like … and I know just where things are!! I purchased Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional … quite a few years ago